Addition and Subtraction
Learn to add, subtract, and compare 4-digit numbers using a variety of methods.
Master Math at Home is based on the award-winning Math — No Problem! Program, which is proven to help learners build problem-solving skills and develop a deep, secure, and long-lasting understanding of core math concepts.
How to make the most of this book
Watch this short video to learn more about the specific goals of each book and for a lesson-by-lesson overview that includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers.
An introduction to the Master Math at Home Series
Watch this video, produced for parents and caregivers, to see what the Master Math at Home Series is all about. We also provide some tips on how to approach the lessons to help your learner get the most out of them.
Other books at this grade level
For each grade level — Kindergarten to Grade 5 — in the Master Math at Home Series, there are six books. Please see below for the other books at this grade level.